Galnet News

Galactic News: Starport Status Update

This report presents the latest data on starports experiencing technical issues as a result of Unknown-Artefact related interference.

The following starports are currently closed:

Archambault Installation, Formorians

Bolotov Gateway, Arakwibut

Bowell Port, Itzamnets

Czerny Station, Cairne

Dogmaa, Wolfberg

Gaffney Dock, HIP 16538

Hermite Dock, Fan Cechehe

Litke Mines, Wolfberg

Macgregor Orbital, Kakmbutan

Phillips Terminal, CD-72 190

Schilling Dock, Huaich

Skvortsov Orbital, 63 G. Capricorni

The Bone Yard, Tas

Tyson Gateway, LTT 16548

The following starports continue to experience technical issues:

Bondarek Orbital, Munfayl

Meanwhile, the following starports are on the brink of closure:

Griffiths Horizons, Ruchbah

Laplace Ring, Kongga

Mitchell Base, HIP 19147

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