Galnet News
The New Imperator
31 Jan 3305
Hadrian Augustus Duval has broadcast a message following the purge of isolationist group Nova Imperium:
“Arissa Lavigny-Duval has revealed the true face of her regime – one based on brutality and terror. The callous execution of Imperator Mordanticus, in conjunction with thousands of Imperial citizens, shows her desperation to cling onto power at any cost.”
“Nova Imperium survives in the Paresa system, a single light in the darkness. We stand for an Empire that respects everyone, from slaves to senators. I truly hope that any who value honour and tradition will help keep our spark alive.”
“Our martyred leader will never be forgotten. In his honour, I have taken the title of Imperator Duval, until such time as the people choose me as their rightful emperor.”
“Memento Mordanticus!”
Utopia Condemns Approval of Vitadyne Nanomedicines
26 Jan 3305
The decision of the Interstellar Health Organisation (IHO) to approve Vitadyne Labs’s nanomedicines has been condemned by Utopia.
Simguru Pranav Antal made this statement:
“The IHO has allowed Vitadyne to steal and replicate Utopian nanomedical technology purely for their financial gain. This is why we do not share our advancements with the galaxy.”
Independent healthcare analyst Dr Himari Grey commented:
“Vitadyne sees the Interstellar Health Organisation's decision as a victory, but others in the medical community have expressed reservations. To deny Utopia’s ownership of these nanomedicines means permanently closing the door on any future cooperation with the community. What other potential benefits have been lost?”
Vitadyne Labs has invited pharmaceutical giants Neomedical Industries and Vandermeer Corporation to bid for a licence to distribute Vitadyne nanomeds in their territories.
Week in Review
26 Jan 3305
Here are this week’s main stories.
Kaeso Mordanticus, leader of isolationist group Nova Imperium, has been executed by Senator Denton Patreus. All known members of the group have been put to death as part of a systematic purge, and citizens who supported Nova Imperium have been arrested for treason. Nova Imperium remains in control of the Paresa system, but with the organisation’s power base destroyed, it no longer poses a threat to the Imperial throne.
The decision of the Interstellar Health Organisation (IHO) to approve Vitadyne Labs’s nanomedicines has been condemned by Utopia. Simguru Pranav Antal issued a statement accusing the IHO of allowing Vitadyne to steal and replicate Utopian nanomedical technology purely for their financial gain.
In related news, Vitadyne has launched an initiative to establish a new pharmaceutical production facility. Neomedical Industries, which supplies Alliance and independent systems, and the Vandermeer Corporation, which operates exclusively within Federal space, have both been invited to compete for a distribution license.
The mysterious disappearance of actor Consuela Knight and the crew of her yacht has affected confidence in commercial space travel, negatively impacting many businesses. A memorial service to honour Knight’s career is planned, but has been overshadowed by rumours of abductions and disintegrations while in hyperspace.
Finally, a request for mined materials from the Omega Mining Corporation has concluded. Independent pilots delivered large quantities of raw materials, which will be used to build an Orbis starport in the Stuemeae FG-Y d7561 system. The starport will serve as a centre for scientific research, gathering data on the supermassive black hole at the galaxy’s centre.
And those are the main stories this week.
The Fall of Nova Imperium
26 Jan 3305
Security forces across the Empire have carried out a coordinated purge of the isolationist group Nova Imperium.
Political journalist Cassia Carvalho reported:
“Yesterday’s executions in the Senate were apparently only the beginning of a coordinated massacre. Nova Imperium members are being put to death, and citizens who supported them are being arrested for treason. In a single day, the isolationist cause has been crushed.”
“It seems that Emperor Arissa Lavigny-Duval – while being accused of weakness – has simply been playing for time, allowing Senator Patreus to position his agents for a simultaneous strike. With this show of strength, the Emperor has done much to silence her detractors.”
“Despite reactions of horror from some newsfeeds, Alliance and Federal leaders have made no official comment, perhaps relieved that inter-superpower cooperation against the Thargoids will continue.”
“Nova Imperium remains in control of the Paresa system, but with the organisation’s power base destroyed, it no longer poses a threat to the Imperial throne.”
Blood on the Senate Floor
25 Jan 3305
Kaeso Mordanticus, the captured leader of isolationist group Nova Imperium, has been brought before the Imperial Senate, with unexpected results.
Political journalist Cassia Carvalho was at the scene:
“Imperator Mordanticus was led into Senate House in shackles but still defiant. All rose as Emperor Arissa Lavigny-Duval entered, attended by Senator Denton Patreus. The Emperor and Patreus approached Mordanticus silently, whereupon Patreus executed the Imperator with his personal sidearm.”
“Suddenly, the Imperial Guard opened fire, gunning down senators Pal Vespasian and Eloise Winterstone, and others who had supported the isolationist cause.”
“Once the initial shock had subsided, the Emperor stood over the Imperator’s body. In a clear voice she announced: ‘There is no Nova Imperium. There is only the Empire.’”
“I have since heard reports of mass arrests and further public executions across Capitol. The rumour is that Patreus placed agents among Nova Imperium strongholds, which are now being eliminated from within. This may be the start of an Empire-wide purge.”
Success for Distant Worlds Initiative
24 Jan 3305
A request for mined materials from the Omega Mining Corporation has concluded.
Independent pilots delivered large quantities of Indite, Gallite, Praseodymium and Cobalt which will be used to build an Orbis starport in the Stuemeae FG-Y d7561 system. The starport will serve as a centre for scientific research, gathering data on the supermassive black hole at the galaxy’s centre.
Erimus Kamzel, the Distant Worlds project leader, commented:
“It is with great pride that we announce the successful conclusion to this resource-extraction initiative. The fleet will now continue its journey, and is scheduled to reach the galactic core in several weeks’ time.”
Contributors to the campaign can now collect their rewards from Omega Mining Operation in the Omega Sector VE-Q b5-15 system.
Vitadyne Nanomeds Campaign
24 Jan 3305
Professor Katrien Rook of Vitadyne Labs has launched an initiative to establish a new pharmaceutical production facility.
In a statement, Professor Rook said:
“Vitadyne Labs lacks the infrastructure to mass-produce nanomedicines, so we have invited two pharmaceutical companies to bid for a distribution licence. The company that puts forward the most convincing proposal will secure the contract.”
The companies in question are Neomedical Industries, which supplies Alliance and independent systems, and the Vandermeer Corporation, which operates exclusively within Federal space. Both have requested advanced medicines, computer components and auto fabricators for the construction of nanomed manufacturing plants.
Deliveries for Neomedical Industries should be made to Alignak Jet Legal and Co at Piserchia Port in Alignak while shipments for the Vandermeer Corporation should be delivered to the Liberals of Kuma at Elion Dock in Kuma.
The competing initiatives begin on the 24th of January 3305. If either campaign meets its target earlier than planned, that campaign will end immediately.
Commercial Travel Impacted by Hyperspace Fears
24 Jan 3305
The mysterious disappearance of actor Consuela Knight and the crew of her yacht has affected confidence in commercial space travel.
Independent newsfeed The Sovereign reported:
“Consuela Knight’s empty ship pulling into port has caused unease in consumer markets. Rumours of abductions and disintegrations while in hyperspace have negatively impacted many businesses.”
“Ship manufacturer Saud Kruger has said that sales of customised luxury yachts, such as Ms Knight’s, have plummeted. Cruise bookings with Astrogator Tours are being cancelled, while commercial operators have reported a drop in passenger numbers.”
“Plans are underway for a memorial service to honour Consuela Knight’s career. But her real legacy is the fear that her fate could befall any interstellar traveller.”
Week in Review
19 Jan 3305
Here are this week’s main stories.
The conflict in the Paresa system has ended with Nova Imperium being defeated by Imperial forces. As the conflict drew to a close, Senator Denton Patreus declared that the isolationists’ forces had been significantly depleted.
In related news, Imperator Mordanticus, the leader of isolationist group Nova Imperium, has been captured by the Empire. His arrest was made during the conflict between Nova Imperium and the Empire in the Paresa system. The Imperator will be brought before the Senate on Friday the 25th of January to answer charges of treason against the Empire.
The Interstellar Health Organisation (IHO) has approved Vitadyne Labs’s nanomedicines as a legal medical product. The IHO has lifted all restrictions, with the caveat that distribution must be handled by an established pharmaceutical company.
The disappearance of famous actor Consuela Knight and the crew of her luxury yacht has sparked a flood of rumours. Independent reporter Flint ‘Firemaker’ Lafosse discussed the mystery on the Rewired news feed, speculating that a Thargoid weapon could be responsible, among other theories.
Finally, the Omega Mining Corporation has requested deliveries of raw materials for a new Orbis starport, to be built in the heart of the galaxy. The construction of this starport constitutes part of the ambitious Distant Worlds II expedition. Project leader Erimus Kamzel stated the objective to be humanity’s first starport in the Galactic Centre region.
And those are the main stories this week.
Mystery of Missing Crew Sparks Rumours
19 Jan 3305
The disappearance of famous actor Consuela Knight and the crew of her luxury yacht has sparked a flood of rumours.
Independent reporter Flint ‘Firemaker’ Lafosse discussed the mystery on the Rewired news feed:
“The scientists say this might be an anomaly that only affects organic tissue. But that doesn’t explain the discovery of Consuela Knight’s half-eaten meal, does it?”
“Others think it could be a new Thargoid weapon that disintegrates humans while leaving ships intact. Or maybe the cultists were right, and the Far God has started snacking on individuals before it arrives to eat the whole universe.”
“For all we know, this has been happening to ships for years. Maybe it usually gets hushed up, which is harder to do when a big-name celebrity vanishes. Which of us might be next? Think about that next time you jump into hyperspace…”
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