Galnet News

*Pilots Federation ALERT*

An encrypted message seems to provide planetary coordinates related to the mysterious signal from ‘Serene Harbour’.

The message received by the Pilots Federation was as follows:

Welcome to Serene Harbour. 56.4 latitude -8.3 longitude. Theta Seven.

Although this pinpoints a geographical area on a planetary surface, the astronomical location of this body remains a mystery. It is unclear whether ‘Theta Seven’ refers to additional map coordinates of some kind, or is a code-phrase intended for unknown recipients.

Little is known about the original distress call, other than its brief content:

This is an emergency broadcast on all frequencies from Serene Harbour. We are –

*Pilots Federation ALERT*

An independent vessel has detected a fragment of a mysterious message coming from an unexplored region of space.

Commander Elsa Solomon was travelling through the Swoilz XX-D c1-30 system when her ship’s communications array picked up a faint transmission. The message was as follows:

This is an emergency broadcast on all frequencies from Serene Harbour. We are –

The transmission ended abruptly and did not resume. The signal did not contain any identification data or indications as to its origin.

Commander Solomon gave more details to Vox Galactica:

“The message appeared in my comms panels as text and an electronically generated voice. I wasn’t able to determine a source, only that it was broadcast within 80 light years of that system. My schedule was tight so I couldn’t spend long tracking it.”

“I have no idea if Serene Harbour is a starport, a settlement or even a megaship, but this is obviously a mayday signal. Someone somewhere is in serious trouble. I’ve asked the Pilots Federation to share the information in case any of my fellow Commanders can help.”

To help triangulate the source, there is a callout to any other ships that were in the area at the time, which may have received a similar broadcast. However, no responses have been received as yet.

*Pilots Federation ALERT*

Sirius Corporation has received more data than Utopia and will therefore host the Galactic Summit.

Both organisations proposed to organise a diplomatic conference for the Alliance, Empire and Federation. After calling on the galactic community to gather data that would support security operations, many pilots handed in anomalous bulk scan data, atypical disrupted wake echoes, exceptional scrambled emission data and unusual encrypted files.

All three superpower governments confirmed that due to its success in preparing effective security systems, they will accept Sirius Corporation as the neutral territory for the conference.

CEO Li Yong-Rui made this announcement:

“Thank you to all the independent pilots who supported us. Sirius will now begin work preparing for the first Galactic Summit, which we hope will increase peace and prosperity across the galaxy.”

Pilots who delivered to Sirius Corporation can collect their rewards from Goldstein Port in the Lembava system.

Simguru Pranav Antal expressed disappointment, but confirmed that all who contributed to Utopia’s initiative will be rewarded at Tanner Settlement in the Polevnic system.

Sirius Corporation has stated that the Galactic Summit is provisionally scheduled to take place over a three-week period in late February and early March.

Former President Jasmina Halsey has taken the witness stand during the trial of Fleet Admiral Lucas Vincent at the Federal High Court.

Crime correspondent Ethan Takahashi reported the details for The Federal Times:

“Jasmina Halsey confirmed that the orders for Starship One’s unscheduled stopover in the Azaleach system came directly from Fleet Admiral Vincent. She added that the presidential itinerary was often altered for various mundane reasons, and at the time this seemed routine.”

“Halsey also provided an account of the vessel’s destruction, describing the chaos and panic onboard as the hyperspace misjump caused rapid structural disintegration. She praised her security detail for getting her into a cryogenic stasis pod and launching it moments before Starship One exploded.”

“During cross-examination, the defence counsel quoted her reported visions after being rescued, when Halsey described meeting the ‘caretakers of our galaxy’ and experiencing the ‘infinities of the cosmos’. It was suggested that the testimony of someone suffering from such obvious delusions should be discounted.”

“Halsey admitted that she no longer has any memory of making those statements, and may have been suffering from post-traumatic shock. She then provided the court with psychological reports and neural scans from the Alliance’s finest doctors, medically confirming that she is of sound state of mind.”

The Federal High Court on Mars has opened the trial of Fleet Admiral Lucas Vincent, who is charged with conspiracy to commit murder and treason.

Vincent stands accused of organising the sabotage of Starship One in 3301, resulting in hundreds of deaths.

The Federal Times’s crime correspondent Ethan Takahashi reported:

“The trial began with the prosecution counsel outlining the case. Material evidence obtained from Chief Technician Rory Webster, whose testimony led to Vincent’s arrest, was presented before the jury.”

“Vincent was questioned about a secure transmission from his office to the presidential vessel on the 24th of May 3301, ordering an unscheduled diversion to the Azaleach system for routine maintenance. This is where Webster’s engineering team followed Vincent’s orders to install the sabotaged hyperdrive component that caused the misjump.”

“Evading the questions, Vincent claimed that the entire trial was a ‘Liberal Party cover-up’ and that Starship One was destroyed ‘to put Winters in charge’.”

“With the loss of President Halsey and Vice President Naylor, Felicia Winters did indeed assume the role of acting president and became leader of the Liberal Party. However, the defence counsel played down these accusations, instead declaring that Webster’s recordings of Vincent’s orders could have been falsified.”

Councillor Nakato Kaine is visiting key systems across the Alliance as part of her bid to be elected as the next prime minister.

Of all the challengers to the incumbent Edmund Mahon, Kaine has the most support from fellow council members. She has represented the Tionisla system for nearly a decade, and is renowned for delivering forceful speeches before the Assembly.

Kaine’s disapproval of the expansionist policies in recent years has struck a chord with people in many systems. She also has a strong reputation among the ‘Old Worlds’, which are viewed as the historic hub of the Alliance.

During a political rally on Leesti, Councillor Kaine directly criticised her election opponent:

“Prime Minister Mahon clearly thinks that the Alliance must mimic the Empire’s arrogance and the Federation’s corporate greed. He has repeatedly led us into conflict with the Thargoid race, risking millions of lives so we could raid their territories like thieves in the night.”

“I believe that we should be inspired by the mutual cooperation that once made the Old Worlds thrive. We must invest in trade and security to benefit our member systems, instead of pretending to be a monolithic superpower.”

*Pilots Federation ALERT*

Rival initiatives to arrange a diplomatic conference have been launched by Sirius Corporation and the Utopia commune.

The Alliance Assembly, Federal Congress and Imperial Senate have each provisionally agreed to send delegates to the first tri-superpower Galactic Summit in late February. This political gathering will also be attended by representatives from independent systems.

All parties have specified that their participation depends upon the event being successfully organised in neutral territory, and with sufficient resources and security in place.

Sirius Corporation and Utopia have begun to gather supplies to host the conference. Both have requested assistance from the galactic community to provide a broad range of data, which will be vital for planning security operations. Whichever organisation obtains the greatest amount of data will be deemed most suitable.

The following data sources are of interest to both parties: anomalous bulk scan data, atypical disrupted wake echoes, exceptional scrambled emission data and unusual encrypted files.

Simguru Pranav Antal has called upon all pilots who support Utopia’s proposal to deliver the data to Tanner Settlement in the Polevnic system.

CEO Li Yong-Rui has asked all those who believe Sirius Corporation to be a more suitable host to deliver the data to Goldstein Port in the Lembava system.

*Pilots Federation ALERT*

Large amounts of food commodities have been delivered to the Marlinist Colonies.

Multiple shipments of animal meat, fish, fruit and vegetables, and grain were transported to Stillman Hub. Messages of gratitude were broadcast from all the Marlinist factions, which have distributed these vital supplies across the eight colony systems.

The Free Marlinists of Carinae also issued bounty vouchers for wanted ships, in order to protect the deliveries. Contributing pilots can now collect their rewards from Stillman Hub in the HIP 22550 system.

In related news, the first Marlinist Parliament has been democratically elected. The respected community leader Dr Jenna Fairfax was chosen by a majority public vote to be First Minister. In a public address, she said:

“This path was not chosen by us, but our people have turned Marlin Duval’s ideology into a functioning republican society. Now that we are fully independent members of the galactic community, we can repay those who aided our survival by offering discounts on commodities and establishing regular trading.”

Former President Jasmina Halsey has arrived on Mars to stand as a witness in the upcoming trial of Fleet Admiral Lucas Vincent.

Halsey was subpoenaed by the Federal High Court to testify before the jury. Although this was not legally enforceable, since she now lives beyond the Federation’s jurisdiction, she has acceded to the court’s request.

Jasmina Halsey served as Federal president prior to the destruction of Starship One in 3301, which Vincent is accused of arranging. She was recovered alive, but abandoned her political career and emigrated to the Alliance. She has since campaigned as a peace activist and acted as an adviser to Prime Minister Edmund Mahon.

After greeting a large crowd of supporters at Olympus Village Spaceport, Halsey gave a statement to The Federal Times:

“This is a bittersweet moment for me. Coming back to the Federation feels like revisiting a past life. But perhaps we can finally lay some ghosts to rest.”

She was welcomed in person by Shadow President Felicia Winters, who was secretary of state in Halsey’s administration. However, President Zachary Hudson has made no comment regarding his predecessor’s return or the forthcoming trial of Fleet Admiral Vincent.

Edmund Mahon has launched a political campaign to be elected as the Alliance’s leader for a second term.

The incumbent prime minister is undertaking a whistle-stop tour across Alliance space to rouse support. Only members of the Assembly can cast votes in this election, but they will be heavily influenced by public opinion within their systems.

Mahon’s campaign has focused on the Alliance’s huge expansion during his six-year premiership, with reminders of triumphs such as the Alliance Festival of Culture. His ability to handle a crisis has also been highlighted, including President Kincaid’s attempted coup and the League of Reparation’s crusade.

More recent examples of his leadership are welcoming Marlinist refugees from the Empire and exploiting the Coalsack Nebula to boost economic prosperity. However, Mahon’s critics have pointed out that both strategies increased the risk of attack from Neo-Marlinist terrorists and the Thargoids.

Addressing a packed conference hall on Birmingham in his home system of Diso, Mahon proclaimed:

“We live in an increasingly turbulent galaxy, making it important to maintain a steady hand at the wheel. I will be honoured to continue representing the diverse peoples of the Alliance.”

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