Galnet News

Galactic News: Weekly Conflict Report

This report presents the latest data on conflict among the galaxy's minor factions.

Here are the latest factions to experience a civil war:

Traditional Chamunda Nationalists

Vesuvit Patron's Principles

Brotherhood of Kremata

Murungh Blue Comms Industry

Regulatory State of HIP 81237

HIP 81237 Network

League of Liu Xingga Order

V1084 Tauri Nationals

HIP 40170 Partnership

Law Party of Bunuvivia

Civil wars occur when minor factions compete for control of major assets such as starports. When a faction is involved in a civil war, the standard of living, development level and security level in the system it controls are temporarily reduced. Combat activities can bring a civil war to an end.

Here are the latest factions to experience war:

Confederation of Dahan

Omicron Columbae Patrons of Law

Natural Indaol Dominion

Democrats of LTT 9104

Bureau of HR 827 Constitution Party

LP 58-247 Silver State Corp

Blue Transport Co

Barons of Ongerinja

Confederation of Apalok

Balante Flag

Wars occur when a minor faction invades a star system controlled by another minor faction. For the duration of the war, the standard of living, wealth level and security level in the disputed system are reduced. Combat activity between the two warring factions determines the outcome of the conflict. If neither faction succeeds in dominating the other, the war ends in a ceasefire.

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