Galnet News

Galactic News: Weekly Health Report

This report presents the latest data on health issues among the galaxy's minor factions.

Here are the latest factions to experience famine:

Bureau of Tamor Freedom Party

Macabika Domain

Bureau of CD-54 471 Regulatory State

44 chi Draconis Silver Crew

Liberty Party of Basus

Independent Koraj Coalition

Khun Crimson Ring

Dangai Federal Organisation

Social HD 222582 Resistance

People's Party of Hecate

When a faction is affected by famine the standard of living in the system it controls temporarily decreases. Combat activity has no effect on influence while a famine is active. Completing food-trade missions can bring a famine to an end.

Here are the latest factions to experience an outbreak:

Bakonirtari Defence Force

Future of Jambin

New Yeng Revolutionary Party

Partha Pirates

Revolutionary Party of NN 3365

Bagalya Empire Pact

HIP 19327 Brothers

Cartel of Lulua

Shernaq Group

Xibalba Partnership

When a faction is affected by an outbreak the standard of living in the system it controls temporarily decreases. Combat activity has no effect on influence while an outbreak is active. Completing medicine-supply missions can bring an outbreak to an end.

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