Galnet News

Galactic News: Weekly Economic Report

This report presents the latest data on the economic health of the galaxy's minor factions.

Here are the latest factions to experience an economic boom:

League of Gliese 9073 Order

Sun Wen Ho Allied Corp.

HIP 17298 Network

Gliese 3318 aristocrats

Movement for Liu Yanec Union

Future of Regnenses

Jana Blue Dynamic Exchange

Yukan Hand Gang

Granthaimi Group

51 Aquilae Independents

Boom is usually the result of consistent trade profit and completed trade contracts. When a faction experiences a boom, the wealth of the system it controls temporarily increases and trade missions completed in the system have double the effect on influence. The faction's influence may also increase. Booms typically last until they naturally expire.

Here are the latest factions to experience an economic bust:

LTT 911 Dragons

Autocracy of BD+02 4718

Traditional LHS 3262 Nationalists

HIP 25795 Family

Olelbis Blue Camorra

HK Aquarii Industry

Bureau of Bodb Dearg Flag

Kokojina Gold Travel Systems

Natural Tote Bureau

Dragons of Urvane

When a faction experiences a bust, the wealth of the system it controls is temporarily reduced and the faction's influence is temporarily diminished. Trade actions do not contribute to boom while a bust is active. A bust typically has to run its course before ending.

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