Galnet News

GalNet Weekly Security Digest

In this weekly report, the latest GalNet data is assembled to present ten minor factions experiencing civil unrest or lockdown in their systems.

Here are 10 of the 1,272 minor factions in lockdown:

Bumbur Purple Central Limited

Gorgon Crimson Pirates

Labour of Zlota Lung

LHS 2771 Party

Chin Purple Life Ltd

72 Herculis Silver Dragons

QQ Pegasi Partners

New 26 Ophiuchi Labour

44 chi Draconis Combine

Kairi Republic Party

Lockdowns increase the security rating for a system but also have a negative effect on the system's wealth. Increased bounty hunting activity can shorten the lockdown period.

Here are 10 of the 1,258 minor factions experiencing civil unrest:

Wolf 867 Dynamic Co

BPM 590 Purple Ring

Thule Empire League

LP 193-564 Major Solutions

Li Tzicnii Galactic and Co

Ned Erh PLC

Marquis du LTT 6255

People's Epsilon Scorpii Resistance

Kwangwutii Inc

Kipgensi Industries

Civil unrest is caused by illegal activity within the system as well completing contracts from more nefarious sources. The wealth rating and standard of living will suffer when a system contains civil unrest. Combat missions and activities can be utilised to end civil unrest.

Data is correct at time of publishing.

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