Galnet News

GalNet Weekly Security Digest

GalNet Weekly Security Digest

In this weekly report, the latest GalNet data is assembled to present ten minor factions experiencing civil unrest or lockdown in their systems (*).

Here are 10 of the 496 minor factions in lockdown:

Aristocrats of Aurawala

Woloniugo Gold Universal Comms

Revolutionary HIP 38862 Future

Wababa Imperial Society

Revolutionary Party of BD-22 3573

People's Party of Huaich

Aowica Empire Party

Frigaha Services

V2578 Ophiuchii Values Party

Grovichun Gold Netcoms Inc

Lockdowns increase the security rating for a system but also have a negative effect on the system's wealth. Increased bounty hunting activity can shorten the lockdown period.

Here are 10 of the 722 minor factions experiencing civil unrest:

Medzistha Faith

HR 1064 Citizens' Forum

Smethells 173 Allied Services

Tricorii Major PLC

Official Pandinus Party

39 Serpentis Progressive Party

Movement for Lundji Future

Movement for He Xian Di Union Party

Drug Empire of LQ Hydrae

HIP 43197 PLC

Civil unrest is caused by illegal activity within the system as well completing contracts from more nefarious sources. The wealth rating and standard of living will suffer when a system contains civil unrest. Combat missions and activities can be utilised to end civil unrest.

* Data is correct at time of publishing.

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