Galnet News

Galactic News: Aliens Walk among Us!

Outspoken conspiracy theorist Ricardo Bentonio has lent his voice to the debate surrounding reports of mysterious spacecraft. And true to form, he has made some rather implausible claims.

On his programme 'Behind the Curtain', Bentonio said:

"I am in contact with an individual who has irrefutable proof that these ships are Thargoid vessels. And what's more, I have been reliably informed that the Thargoids have been exerting direct influence over human society. Everything that is happening is unfolding according to their plan. Soon, it will be too late!"

Few in the media or the world of politics deigned to respond to Bentonio's claims.

Galactic News: Bentonio's Request Rebuffed

Arlo Cortez, a member of Jasmina Halsey's personal staff, has responded to a recent statement from Ricardo Bentonio, the notorious conspiracy theorist. In an official press release, Cortez said:

"The suggestion that Jasmina has been somehow 'silenced' by oppressive governmental powers is patently ridiculous. The decision to admit Jasmina to the Clearwater Clinic was made by her friends and family. No one else was involved."

Cortez also said that Bentonio's request to meet with Halsey would not be granted:

"Our paramount concern is that Jasmina receives the care and attention she needs. She will not be meeting with members of the press, representatives of the Federation, or crackpot conspiracy theorists."

Freelance Report: Conspiracy Theorist Defends Halsey

Notorious conspiracy theorist Ricardo Bentonio, speaking from the Groombridge 34 system, has issued a statement of support for former Federal president Jasmina Halsey:

"They're calling Halsey crazy, but she may just be a modern-day Joan of Arc – a conduit chosen by the Architects of Creation to speak to mankind. The powers-that-be want to silence her by locking her away. I demand that I and a small group of scientists be granted an audience with President Halsey so we can find out the truth."

Bentonio recently made headlines after issuing a plea for cartographic data to prove that the 29th of February was an 'aberrant day' heralding the imminent collapse of the universe. What Mr Bentonio did with that data, and whether it helped to prove or disprove his theories, has not been released to the public.

Commander Finn McMillan

Galactic News: Conspiracy Theorist's Appeal Ends

Kruger 60 Free has announced that the galactic community has responded with surprising enthusiasm to the recent appeal from conspiracy theorist Ricardo Bentonio. Hundreds of pilots chose to support Bentonio's campaign, bringing him cartographic data so he could prove that the 29th of February 3302 was an 'aberrant day' heralding the imminent collapse of the universe.

Although no indications of universal catastrophe have been reported, Bentonio still appears to believe that the irregular day is a harbinger of humanity's impending doom:

"It will happen – you mark my words! This day is an anomaly, and should never have been. It's the end!"

At the time of writing, the universe continues to exist.

Community Goal: Conspiracy Theorist Appeals for Cartographic Data

Notorious conspiracy theorist Ricardo Bentonio has issued an appeal for cartographic data with which to substantiate an extraordinary claim. According to a recent press statement, Bentonio has unearthed ancient records that prove the 29th of February 3302, which appears on all galactic calendars, should not exist. He has convinced Kruger 60 Free to fund the one-day appeal, believing that the cartographic data will prove him correct.

Bentonio elaborated on his theory at a press conference:

"We're not just talking about computers shutting down or ship systems failing. We're talking about the end of life as we know it! We're talking about the very fabric of space-time collapsing in on itself, and the entire universe coming to an end!"

Despite Bentonio having been widely derided as a tin foil hat-wearing crackpot, it's likely that the financial incentives he is offering will earn him some support. Pilots who want to contribute to the initiative are invited to deliver cartographic data to Jones Estate in the Groombridge 34 system on the 29th of February 3302.

Claims of Federal Involvement

Claims of Federal Involvement

With the long history of conflict between the superpowers, it is not unexpected that some of the more paranoid members of the Imperial population have directed their suspicions concerning the Emperor’s assassination at the Federation. While no-one in authority within the Empire takes these claims seriously, some of the citizens and lower members of Imperial society wonder that if the claims aren’t true, then why don’t those in charge simply say so?

Some believe that these unanswered, if unreasonable, questions lay at the heart of some of the trouble reported in the queue of mourners on Capitol.

To many of us, the thought that the Federation would risk all-out war by killing the leader of the only other superpower capable of battling them on equal terms is far out there. But it’s not the craziest theory by a long mark.

Conspiracy theorist Ricardo Bentonio claims that the Emperor is not dead, instead it is just his human host that has been transformed and the being we knew as Emperor Hengist Duval has returned to his homeworld in the Andromeda galaxy.

Aliens Kidnapped the President

Aliens Kidnapped the President

The spectre of President Halsey’s disappearance in Starship One refuses to die down. Despite the findings of the official report some claim that the matter is far from closed. One such person is self-proclaimed conspiracy expert Ricardo Bentonio on his investigative show ‘The Hidden World’:

“They took her for their own purposes. Not the lizard people from Andromeda, that’s the Imperial Dynasty. She’s been taken somewhere different.”

Federal Navy officials refused to comment on this allegation. One Congressman was overheard joking “Does anyone listen to that loon’s shows? Except his precious lizard people from Andromeda, of course!”

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