Galnet News

GalNet Weekly Health Hotspots

GalNet Weekly Health Hotspots

This weekly report indicates some of the minor factions enduring significant health issues such as famine and outbreaks (*).

Outbreaks have been reported by the following minor factions:

LHS 115 Democrats

Like famines, outbreaks cause a major disruption to the inhabitants’ standard of living. Resupply of medicines and related trade contracts are needed to end the outbreak. Due to the state of emergency combat missions and activities provide no effect on influence.

* Data is correct at time of publishing.

Ambitious Plans for Carns

Ambitious Plans for Carns

The leadership for Humason Orbital in the Carns system responded today to a report released earlier in the week, suggesting that the mining operations in the system would soon become uneconomical.

Plans were revealed to upgrade the extraction and industrial facilities to support high tech operations. In the press briefing Ramon Lamor, Deputy Communications Officer, commented:

“We should not see the closure of the mines as a problem, but as an opportunity for this system to become a greater player in the economy of the surrounding region. Our researchers have identified a gap in the high technology market that we can exploit.”

He then outlined an extensive programme of acquisitions to provide the robotics needed for the new product lines, which would see both the extraction and industrial concerns replaced. When questioned about the effects of this change on existing businesses, he replied:

“There will obviously be a number of changes with this global shift in focus. However, if we are to thrive in the future then these adjustments must be made. We will provide both financial and logistical support to corporations operating in Carns.”

At the close of the briefing, he stated that the nature of the local workforce would also need to change and that further information would be revealed within the next few days.

GalNet Weekly Powers Update Incoming

GalNet Weekly Powers Update Incoming

In the early hours of tomorrow morning (7.00am GMT) the GalNet monitoring of powers’ activities will go offline for a short period to assemble the latest data.

Any pilots who operate for any of the powers should ensure that they deliver any cargo or vouchers before this time for their activities to be registered.

Memorandum of Understanding between citizens of Utopia and Sirius Corp

Memorandum of Understanding between citizens of Utopia and Sirius Corp

In their convictions that their interests coincide with each other, Commanders following Simguru Pranav Antal and those in the employ of Sirius Gov have agreed a non-aggression pact. They recognise each other’s right to exist, and to co-exist in harmony and in peace. Their ships are free to travel within each other's space.

All freelance Commanders wishing to sign the pact are welcomed in Lembava or Polevnic to do so and make sure that part of the galaxy will be more secure in the future.

This agreement has been made to seek the benefit of both their independent territories as a whole, to promote trade between the two powers and ensure the continued existence of civilization devoted to future prosperity rather than past tradition or present comfort.

Fuel Rat Rescue Operation Saves Millions of Credits

Fuel Rat Rescue Operation Saves Millions of Credits

"I was on my way back from deep space last week when I made a horrible mistake,” stated Commander Fionn Mac Cumhaill. “Running low on fuel, I found a nearby Red Dwarf and expected to fill my tanks but when I exited Frameshift I found myself staring down a T-Tauri with nothing but fumes in my tank. I’d failed to reset my target. That’s when I called the Fuel Rats."

Commanders Beornfrið, Kerenn and Anuranium responded, locating the drifting Asp Explorer in the PRAEA EUQ SY-S B3-3 system just as its oxygen level dropped to 41 seconds of sustainable life support.

"They saved my Asp and 12 million credits of exploration data" said Mac Cumhaill. "I owe them my Pilots Federation promotion to 'Pioneer'."

The Fuel Rat’s dispatch service is in operation around the clock. When you’re out of fuel don’t hesitate. Make the call.

GalNet Weekly Security Digest

GalNet Weekly Security Digest

In this weekly report the latest GalNet data is assembled to present ten minor factions experiencing civil unrest or lockdown in their systems (*).

The following are 10 of the 390 minor factions are in lockdown:

Yupini Imperial Society

Ildaker Prison Colony

LHS 1852 Empire League

HIP 82032 Silver Society

Pirates of Sheela Na Gig

Green Party of LFT 926

Natural Contien Movement

Peckollerci Democrats

Conservatives of Comanga

Crowfor Vision Services

Lockdowns increase the security rating for a system but also have a negative effect on the system’s wealth. Increased bounty hunting activity can reduce the lockdown period.

These are 10 of the 824 minor factions are experiencing civil unrest:

Wong Guin Imperial Society

Freedom Party of LHS 3447

Irukama Mafia

Halbangaay Imperial Society

Ninabin Jet Advanced Inc

Ngarawe Empire Pact

Kalana Independents

Morommo Incorporated

Pirates of Luyten's Star

Synteini Industries

Civil unrest is caused by illegal activity within the system as well completing contracts from more nefarious sources. The wealth rating and standard of living will suffer when a system contains civil unrest. Combat missions and activities can be utilised to end civil unrest.

* Data is correct at time of publishing.

Aisling Supporters Pledge to Legion

Aisling Supporters Pledge to Legion

Independent Commanders in support of the People's Princess Aisling Duval have come together in recent weeks under Commander Andariel in the 'Thirteenth Legion'. One Commander reported:

'I was tired of being interdicted every time I tried to run a crate of medicinal supplies in support of the Angels. I sold my cargo bays, fitted shield banks and upgraded my weapon system. Commander Andariel told me where to fight and how.'

At least some Imperial nobility is supporting the pledge of Commander Andariel and others like him. Count Jeffrey Alexander Ryan of Ugain added, 'So many people want to support, few realise how to do it. Some want to trade, others run cargo specifically for my Princess. Some know how to fight, but until the Thirteenth was formed, few knew how to do it making each laser pulse count'.

The Thirteenth Legion has built its base on Chona.

Open Osmium Contract in Abres

Open Osmium Contract in Abres

The governing authorities for Pangborn Dock in the Abres star system today released an open contract for a staggering quantity of Osmium.

Osmium is a relatively rare transition metal with outstanding hardness and durability properties. It is often used in specialist alloys for starship construction and other heavy industry. While it is uncommon, analysts claim that there is ample supply in circulation for current civilian and military manufacturing requirements. This has led to speculation that a new player may emerge in ship construction or even that a covert build-up of military ships is being prepared.

Dale Torrance, the Business Development Spokesperson for Pangborn Dock, refused to speculate on the rumours:

“Osmium is a material used throughout industry. As the chosen partner in this venture, we are pleased to announce that there will be significant credit bonuses for the successful completion of this contract.”

He then encouraged miners to investigate the contract for more information.

GalNet Weekly Economic Report

GalNet Weekly Economic Report

In this weekly digest the latest GalNet data is compiled to show the economic states for a short list of minor factions and the star systems they inhabit (*).

The following 10 of the 4479 minor factions are currently enjoying an economic boom:

Fong Wang Limited

Ling Deti Blue Dynamic Comms

Values Party of Alano

Canopus Crimson Dragons

Daksakhi Liberals

Gyvatiges Jet Power Industries

Liabeze Legal Organisation

LP 376-62 Collective

New Groombridge 1618 Focus

Zugen Incorporated

When in boom the wealth of the system is increased for the duration and all trade missions have doubled effects on influence. It can also positively increase the minor faction’s influence. Boom can be entered by consistent trade profits and completed trade contracts. Booms tend to last until they run out or some other indicator takes precedence, such as famine.

These 7 minor factions are suffering an economic bust:

HIP 117870 Confederation

Leaders of Kini

Labour of Gali

Devane Patrons of Law

Pachita Crimson Fortune Int

Progressive Party of GD 140

Caeritis Front

The wealth of a system diminishes while in bust and the minor faction’s influence is also lessened. The effect of trade contracts and actions do not contribute to boom while a bust is active. A bust generally has to run its course before ending.

* Data is correct at time of publishing

The Founding of the Federation

The Founding of the Federation

The Founding of the Federation

In this new series exclusive to GalNet, famed historian Sima Kalhana visits the defining moments of human history since our first brave steps into space and to the star-spanning species we have since become. In this first article, she talks about the founding of the Federation. With a history spanning millennia, it is the oldest of the major factions.


In this modern age it’s hard for us to imagine that before the Federation, humanity existed on just a single world, bar a few small colonies on Mars and the Moon. Even stranger to our current experience was the fact that so many disparate tribal groupings, or ‘countries’ existed on one world.

The Federation arose from the ashes of the Third World War in the mid 21st century. The war caused tremendous devastation across the planet, decimating the population.

Many different factors changed humanity’s outlook after that. The rise of the corporations, the discovery of the first fossils on Mars, and the explosive exploration triggered by the invention of the hyperdrive by Li Qin Jao and others in the 22nd century, first by unmanned probes, then with manned craft, overtaking the generation ships sent in the previous decades. Despite the huge dangers involved, a massive land-grab followed, fuelled by the voracious corporations.

It wasn’t until some of the ecological excesses of these early colonists became apparent over a century later that Earth took its first steps, founding the Federation and becoming the colossal entity it is now, creating some order in what had become an unruly free-for-all.

In 2242 the Federation Accord was created outlining certain rights and responsibilities for members, uniting many of the new colonies, by force in some cases. After a short conflict the Taylor Colony in Tau Ceti bacame the first signatory outside the Sol system. The name of the Federation was also changed at this time to the ‘Federation of Star Systems’, but the name didn’t stick and quickly returned to just the Federation.

From that point the Federation provided a stable framework to facilitate the further expansion of humanity to ever more distant star systems but not all colonies wanted a part of this. A distant early colony, formed by a band of political idealists as far from Earth as they could manage, in the system of Achenar would eventually spark another defining moment for the Federation and indeed humanity as a whole.