Galnet News

The Menace of Illegal Racing

Traders operating in several systems have called on the authorities to clamp down on increasing levels of illegal racing-

“These speeding ships are a menace!” a representative declared. “They perform dangerous manoeuvres at ridiculous speeds and that puts honest traders like us in danger.”

Official comment has not been forthcoming and one such racer posted anonymously on social media stating-

“The Buckyball Race is the best thing ever and I’d like to see one of the system authority Vipers try and keep up with us!”

Emperor in Coma

Senator Anders Blaine, Chancellor to Emperor Hengist Duval has made a statement on the steps of the Imperial Palace-

“It is with regret I have to announce that his grace, Emperor Hengist Duval’s sickness has worsened, and he has fallen into a coma. His life is not in danger, he is stable, and his doctors are hopeful of a recovery. In the mean time I will of course continue in my role as Chancellor, and the Empire will continue to run under my day to day control, as it has done for the past decades, so nothing will change.”

Rumours from anonymous Imperial staff are that Emperor Hengist is on a life support machine and perhaps unlikely to recover.

Shares in Imperial corporations have continued to fall on the news.

Boom Time in LHS 3447

The Future of LHS 3447 party are celebrating an economic boom in their system. They have announced that they will share that good fortune as part of their future development initiatives.

“The success of LHS 3447 is in large part due to the numbers of independent pilots who pass through and trade in this system. In fact Trevithick Dock is known for being the starting point for many pilots’ careers.

“In recognition of this we are subsidising a 10% discount for all pilots using the shipyards and outfitting facilities in Trevithick Dock, Dalton Gateway and Worlidge Terminal.”

Emperor Seriously Unwell

Rumours are circulating that the Emperor’s condition is far worse than is being admitted. One source even claimed that he has died, but that hasn’t been confirmed. A senior palace source informed us that Chancellor Blaine would announce his death if it happened. We believe it likely that his sickness has merely worsened.

Following the rumours there is also speculation is that his wedding to Florence Lavigny might be delayed. Imperial stock markets have dropped further on this news.

Onionhead Now Wiped Out

Admiral Vincent, the Federal Admiral of the Fleet, has announced that the Federal Navy has now practically eliminated the narcotic ‘onionhead’ from Panem in Kappa Fornacis.

“Our systematic destruction of the crop has now paid off, and I am pleased to say we have destroyed all the crops without the loss of a single life since the unfortunate incident a few weeks ago.”

Despite continued pockets of resistance the Admiral also announced a civic aid package to help rebuild the farms to produce less controversial crops, a move that has earned praise from commentators for its political shrewdness.

In a follow up statement an aide requested that independent pilots provide Agri Medicines, Crop Harvesters, Land Enrichment Systems and Biowaste to meet the increased demand generated by the package.

Pomp and Circumstance of the Royal Wedding

Foreign dignitaries are beginning to gather on Capitol in Achenar, in preparation for the royal wedding. Senators from throughout Imperial space have begun arriving, and many leaders from friendly independent systems too.

Red carpets have been laid in local starports, and for the full length of the Imperial Avenue. Gilded open-topped speeders can be seen ferrying them to their ornate quarters at the Imperial Palace. For the ceremony itself, special wheeled gilded carriages pulled by horses.

The route is already being prepared with arrays of brightly coloured flower arrangements flanking the red carpets on the tree-lined route. Huge banners carrying the Imperial Crest are being raised between the trees, and on the faces of key buildings. Many have said it is this sort of thing that shows the grandeur of the Empire at its best.

Investigation in to VP Death Inconclusive

Despite the suspicious circumstances that have been widely reported, no further information has come to light. Social media is alleging a high level cover-up, and it seems large amounts of data have disappeared due to system failures.

President Halsey is said to be devastated, and gave a brief statement offering her sympathy to the family. It is understood there are a great many discussions going on behind the scenes to appoint a new VP, which under Federal Law must be completed within 30 days of the VP’s loss.

Alder Simons has given an emotional interview on the chat show ‘Jenkinson’-

“It’s big business behind his murder. Those evil people – the military industrial complex of old – they’ve always been against my dear Nigel’s government and its policies. Who else could launch such a big cover-up without attracting attention?”

Aisling Duval Objects to Grandfather’s Marriage

Aisling Duval has lodged an objection to the marriage of her grandfather, the Emperor to Florence Lavigny. Coming out of the Office for Marriage with her Lawyer she read a prepared statement from a cue -

“I have lodged a formal objection to my grandfather marrying his fancy woman not for love, not for marriage itself, but to change the succession without having to appear in the Senate. That’s all I’ve got to say at this time.”

This unusual action will trigger a hearing of the Marriage Council in the next few days. They will review and make a decision on the validity of her objection. Experts we have spoken to believe it is unlikely to succeed.

Major Corporation Declares Independence

In a shock move the Purple Netcoms Holdings Corporation has declared itself as independent and have called on commanders to help it to withdraw the Sugrivik system from the Federation.

The CEO of the company angrily denounced the recent tax rises by President Halsey and claiming that her actions are a direct blow to the viability of the corporation and the well-being of its population.

“These tax rises put people’s jobs on the line and we are not going to let a President without any working knowledge of the economy ruins our lives or livelihood!”

Responding to the statement a representative of Sugrivik Labour condemned the declaration and affirmed their support for the President, without explicitly supporting the tax rises.

Extremist Leader Calls for Zero Tax Policy

Call Hagen, the leader of the League of Nabatean Defence Party, today called for a zero tax policy for citizens of the system of Nabatean at an impromptu rally.

“We citizens of the Federation are treated poorly compared to the progressive policies evident within the Empire. The Federation is older and stronger but our heritage is weighed down with the bondage of taxation. Let us learn from the strong leadership of Senator Patreus and his Imperial colleagues and ensure that our own society is not a burden upon our families.”

A spokesperson for the Workers of Nabatean refused to comment on what he described ‘the ravings of a mad man’. Ignoring the speech may be a mistake for the current ruling party as the opposition received a massive swing in support after the speech.