Galnet News
GalNet Weekly Expansion List
17 Jul 3301
GalNet Weekly Expansion List
Each week GalNat presents a short list of 10 of the 1745 minor factions currently expanding into new systems (*).
i Bootis Democrats
Workers of Gateway for Equality
Gladutjin for Equality
HIP 22006 Guardians of Tradition
Chapter of Isinor
Taso Wuhte Partners
Andhrimi Crimson Travel PLC
Confederacy of Akandi
Tyerisu Corporation
Cartel of Wolf 286
Expansion occurs when a minor faction reaches a sufficient influence rating and there is a populated system within striking distance. The act of expansion is a costly one and the wealth and development rating suffers during the period of expansion.
* Data is correct at time of publishing.
A Week in Powerplay
16 Jul 3301
A Week in Powerplay
It's time for another weekly report on the struggles of the foremost political powers in the galaxy. With ongoing hostilities throughout inhabited space, who has benefitted from the chaos, and who has lost favour?
Arissa Lavigny-Duval has consolidated her existing power base this week and prepared for future expansion. Faced with no new systems to claim for Lavigny-Duval, her supporters directed her efforts to massively fortifying her systems and partaking in the Imperial offensive against Archon Delaine, set to continue for the foreseeable future.
Aisling Duval still expands her power-base at a rapid and consistent pace, claiming several new systems and the support of another Commander group, The 13th Legion. As quick as Aisling's rise to power has been, her efforts to expand towards Federation space have been blunted once more, when Winters' pilots halted her attempt to claim Ax Yac Baru.
Zachary Hudson managed to expand his influence into two new systems this week, despite seeing continued, massive challenges to his power through his controlled space. With a focus on fortifying his existing systems and relatively little attention given to expansion, Hudson might have issues claiming new systems in the coming weeks.
Felicia Winters continues to have supporters secure her space, with focused fortification stopping all attempts to seriously undermine her control of her systems. Her expansion continues to see mixed success, with several systems claimed but others successful opposed - most notably the attempt to claim Lugh.
Zemina Torval has seen a substantial drop in support this week, likely due to significant commercial concerns withdrawing financial support for the Senator's operations. Fortunately for Torval, this calamity coincided with a significant drop in enemy activity against her systems, allowing her to successfully fortify and expand despite her reduced following.
Denton Patreus is the big beneficiary of the combined Imperial offensive into the Pegasi sector. While he only enjoys modest levels of Commander support, he is able to continue to shore up and expand his sphere and influence, now that the Kumo Crew no longer puts pressure on his space.
Edmund Mahon rapidly expands his powerbase, claiming an amazing ten more systems this week. This quick growth brings Mahon's sphere of influence closer to that of several other groups, potentially exposing him to increased enemy activity in the future weeks, and spreading out his forces.
Li Yong-Rui of Sirius Gov continues to see his corporate government expand its influence at a very quick rate, pushing further towards both Federation space, and the territory of Archon Delaine, Pranav Antal and Edmund Mahon. While generally Sirius Gov sees little opposition to their expansion attempts, their attempt to claim Chounjemait this week has been stopped, presumably by Mahon's pilots.
Archon Delaine has seen his Kumo Crew weather the Imperial offensive with surprising fortitude. Despite massive enemy incursions, the pirate lord has claimed three more systems this week, albeit none of them Imperial. Due to Imperial attacks being focused on their border systems, the Kumo Crew was able to focus their fortification in a few areas and weather the storm, at least for now.
Pranav Antal continues to see the benefits of diplomacy and the Utopia's safe strategic position, seeing little in way of hostile activity. While only a small number of Commanders support the Utopian project, they were able to claim another system for the Simguru and to fortify their key systems against enemy incursions.
CMDR Cadoc
Adle's Armada Looks to End Illegal Arms Deal in Hel
15 Jul 3301
Adle's Armada Looks to End Illegal Arms Deal in Hel
Adle's Armada, a Federally aligned militia group, has responded to reports of an illegal arms deal between the criminal organization Cosmic State, headed by Hammer Arms CEO Grimnir Allvadderung and the Empire aligned Emperor's Grace leader Vaarwen Mako Brennus.
"This cannot stand! Our people of the Labour Party of Caill Reddi cannot bear this tyrant any longer. He takes the food out people's mouths in order to make back room deals with the unscrupulous individuals!" says Tyllerius Adle III, Grandson of the groups original founder and current Armada CO.
Adle's Armada forces have been laying siege to the League of Hel and have put them into a lockdown state. Citizens formally supporting the arms dealer now question his rule over Jone's Orbital. With the blockade of supplies to League of Hel combat forces, it will only be a short matter of time before the entire system is forced into a civil war between hungry citizens and impoverished arms dealers. Time will tell if Hel will become a sovereign Federally aligned system under the Labour Party of Caill Reddi or if the League of Hel will continue its weapons trade with shady individuals.
"For the safety of the people, this will NOT stand!"
Security Support Needed For Cerberus Plague Intervention
15 Jul 3301
Security Support Needed For Cerberus Plague Intervention
With increasing reports concerning the so-called ‘Cerberus Plague’, officials from Dajoar, Eleu and 20 Ophiuchi have all declared states of emergency. They are calling on bounty hunters and combat-capable pilots in the region help protect the relief efforts.
The issue arises at the same time that some medics in the systems have stated that the vaccines are not proving as effective against these cases, leading to speculation that the organism has mutated. Carl Simmons, the Chief Medical Officer of Newton Dock and leading the medical team combating this infection, commented:
“While there are some indications that the organism has changed, we are still analysing the data and it is too early to draw any conclusions.”
Further muddying the waters, a representative for one of the pirate gangs claimed that they were helping the right people. In an anonymous statement, they declared:
“As usual it is the rich and well-connected that benefit from official channels. We are simply making sure that these supplies reach the people who need them the most.”
Grand Slave Sale in Carns Ends
15 Jul 3301
Grand Slave Sale in Carns Ends
The grand slave sale held on Humason Orbital in the Carns system has ended. Deputy Communications Officer Ramon Lamor declared the sale a success, but refused to comment further, or provide actual numbers. He did confirm that a report analysing the sale and the recent activity for the planned market changes at the station would be presented next week.
There have been reports of unrest on the station since the announcement that as of next week, the local economy would be transformed to deal with High Tech goods and services. There was no official comment on these reports at this time.
GalNet Focus on Democracy
15 Jul 3301
GalNet Focus on Democracy
This weekly roundup highlights some of the minor factions around the galaxy pursuing the dream of democratic freedom by holding elections (*).
Here are 10 of the 1,869 minor factions are holding elections:
Kuruages Corp.
Kuruages Silver Galactic Comms
Bureau of Ch'in Shou Liberty Party
League of Ch'in Shou Party
HIP 14944 Legal Solutions
HIP 14944 Energy Co
Law Party of 53 Virginis
United 53 Virginis League
Parun Solutions
Parun Jet Transport Industries
Elections occur when two minor factions are of a similar political structure resolve a conflict over ownership and influence within a system.
* Data is correct at time of publishing.
GalNet Weekly Health Hotspots
14 Jul 3301
GalNet Weekly Health Hotspots
This weekly report indicates some of the minor factions enduring significant health issues such as famine and outbreaks (*).
Outbreaks have been reported by the following minor factions :
20 Ophiuchi
Like famines, outbreaks cause a major disruption to the inhabitants’ standard of living. Resupply of medicines and related trade contracts are needed to end the outbreak. Due to the state of emergency combat missions and activities provide no effect on influence.
* Data is correct at time of publishing.
Origins of the Velites Squadron
14 Jul 3301
Origins of the Velites Squadron
The ancient proverb, “necessity is the mother of all invention,” remains true, even in 3301.
Commander Na’Qan came from humble beginnings as a miner in distant Imperial colonies. Piracy being rife in those systems, he found himself in their sights regularly. Knowing he could not outrun them in his unshielded Type-6, he learned to elude them. Like Br’er Rabbit’s briar patch, the asteroid fields offered him shelter. He learned to manoeuvre silently among the chaotic rocks and metals.
When war broke out in the Pancienses system, Na’Qan joined the fray. He recounted being interdicted by three Fer-de-Lances, and noticed they could not get weapons lock on his craft. Immediately recognizing the relevance of his mining experience, Na’Qan approached his superiors with an idea. Shortly thereafter, Na’Qan began training wings for what would become the Velites Squadron. The stealthy, precision strikes of the Velites are already becoming legend.
For his service to the Empire, Commander Na’Qan is to be awarded the Imperial Order of Merit, First Class, from Senator Arrissa Lavigny-Duval at her headquarters in Kamadhenu this weekend.
GalNet Weekly Powers Update Incoming
14 Jul 3301
GalNet Weekly Powers Update Incoming
In the early hours of tomorrow morning (7.00am GMT ) the GalNet monitoring of powers’ activities will go offline for a short period to assemble the latest data.
Any pilots who operate for any of the powers should ensure that they deliver any cargo or vouchers before this time for their activities to be registered.
Reports of the Cerberus Plague beyond BD-02 4304
13 Jul 3301
Reports of the Cerberus Plague beyond BD-02 4304
The heroic efforts of the local authorities at Newton Dock in BD-02 4304, combined with independent pilots from far and wide, have slowed the outbreak affecting the local population.
Carl Simmons, the Chief Medical Officer of Newton Dock, responded to reports of further infections in the nearby systems: Dajoar, Eleu and 20 Ophiuchi.
“We can confirm that there have been isolated incidents which we believe are the same infectious agent that we have seen here on Newton Dock. The populations in those systems should not be alarmed and three operations have been initiated to isolate the sick and prevent further outbreak.”
When asked how the disease had spread to those systems, he replied:
“We can’t confirm the vector as yet. Our current belief is that these cases are simply people from here who managed to travel before restrictions were in place. However, as with any outbreak of this magnitude, we are not taking anything for granted.”
He concluded his statement with:
“Once again we are calling on the resources of the independent pilots in the region to help ensure that these cases do not develop into a full-blown outbreak as seen here on Newton Dock.”
While he denied that the team were calling the new disease the Cerberus Plague, one technician did confirm that the name was being used unofficially and came from an unusual three-pronged structure at the ‘head’ of the phage-like organism.
All search fields are optional.
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