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Repel Pirates from De Caminha Station

Location: de Caminha Station, Lushertha

Ends: 2024-06-13 06:00:00 +0000

Activity: Bounty hunting

Objective: Bounties

Progress: 70,376,016,086 / 70,375,000,000 (100.00%) (Sheet)

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Last updated: 2024-06-13 07:00:02 +0000

First seen: 2024-06-06 14:02:02 +0000


Jerome Archer requests assistance bounty hunting opportunistic pirates around De Caminha station.

In an emergency conference held this morning, Archer had this to say:

"It pains me to see De Caminha be the target of attacks by criminals looking to take advantage of the Federation's continued efforts to end the war as quickly as possible, so I am calling on pilots across the galaxy for aid."

"I urge you to hunt down the aggressors and supply the Earth Defence Fleet stationed in De Caminha with the medicines and equipment to prevent further attacks. Only by doing both will the station be safe again."

As a further incentive, the following rewards will be granted to pilots who meet the below criteria of handing in Bounty Vouchers:

Top 50% of contributors:

"Duty - Counter" paint job for the Federal Gunship

Top 25% of contributors

"Duty - Counter" paint job for the Federal Corvette, as well as the Federal Gunship

The campaign begins on the 6th of June and will run for one week.