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Fight for the Federation against New Kuwembaa Labour's Independence

Location: Fortress Liberty, Kuwembaa

Ends: 2021-08-12 05:00:00 +0000

Activity: Combat bonds

Objective: Combat bonds

Progress: 6,245,833,930 / 96,000,000,000 (6.51%)

Last updated: 2021-08-12 06:00:02 +0000

First seen: 2021-08-05 12:00:00 +0000


The Federation is fighting to prevent further factions from declaring independence in the Kuwembaa system.

New Kuwembaa Labour has broken ties with the Federation in protest against the government's civil surveillance programme. Li Chotep for Equality, a local Federal faction, has been tasked to degrade the rebelling faction's military strength.

President Zachary Hudson made a brief public announcement:

"I call upon all Federal auxiliaries to aid in this conflict. The reputation of the Federation will not be so easily tarnished by these unlawful separatists."

Two recently seceded factions – the Coalition of Uteran and Gluscap Labour – are considering rejoining the Federation, depending on the result of the Kuwembaa conflict.

Li Chotep for Equality, in partnership with the Federation, has offered credit rewards to any pilots willing to help crush this rebellion by handing in Combat Bonds at the megaship Fortress Liberty in the Kuwembaa system.

Should Li Chotep for Equality match tiers with New Kuwembaa Labour, it will remain independent but no other factions will secede from the Federation.

Should Li Chotep for Equality end one tier ahead of New Kuwembaa Labour, it will return to being a Federal faction and no other factions will secede from the Federation.

Should Li Chotep for Equality end two tiers ahead of New Kuwembaa Labour, it will return to being a Federal faction and the Coalition of Uteran will return to the Federation.

Should Li Chotep for Equality end three tiers ahead of New Kuwembaa Labour, it will return to being a Federal faction and the Coalition of Uteran and Gluscap Labour will return to the Federation.

The two factions have set out seven-day campaigns, which will end when the top tier is reached by either faction or early on Thursday the 12th of August 3307.