Fight for New Kuwembaa Labour's Independence
Location: Gagnan Port, Kuwembaa
Ends: 2021-08-12 05:00:00 +0000
Activity: Combat bonds
Objective: Combat bonds
Progress: 43,277,188,152 / 96,000,000,000 (45.08%)
Last updated: 2021-08-12 06:00:02 +0000
First seen: 2021-08-05 12:00:00 +0000
The Federation is fighting to prevent further factions from declaring independence in the Kuwembaa system.
New Kuwembaa Labour has broken ties with the Federation in protest against the government's civil surveillance programme. Governor Sonal Mishra, the leader of New Kuwembaa Labour, has requested assistance from the galactic community:
"The Federal Accord is no longer fit for purpose. We require support to make a stand against this violation of our constitutional rights."
Three other Federal factions - Selkana Labour, United HIP 108095 Values Party and Mutumu Future - are considering becoming independent entities, depending on the result of the Kuwembaa conflict. These factions currently control 28 systems in total.
New Kuwembaa Labour has offered credit rewards to any pilots willing to help secure its independence by handing in Combat Bonds at Gagnan Port in the Kuwembaa system.
Should New Kuwembaa Labour match tiers with Li Chotep for Equality, its independence will be confirmed.
Should New Kuwembaa Labour end one tier ahead of Li Chotep for Equality, then Selkana Labour will declare independence.
Should New Kuwembaa Labour end two tiers ahead of Li Chotep for Equality, then United HIP 108095 Values Party will also declare independence.
Should New Kuwembaa Labour end three tiers ahead of Li Chotep for Equality, then Mutumu Future will also declare independence.
The two factions have set out seven-day campaigns, which will end when the top tier is reached by either faction or early on Thursday the 12th of August 3307.