Galnet News

Zorgon Peterson has delighted fans and investors alike with the confirmation of its first new vessel in six years.

At an extravagant launch party, the Mandalay was introduced to an enthusiastic reception. Presented as an exploration-focused vessel, Zorgon Peterson chief marketing officer Devin Kaneda provided the following details:

“With the Mamba, Zorgon Peterson’s team showed we can match all other manufacturers in terms of speed. With the Fer-de-Lance, we demonstrated our understanding of excellent military design. Now, with the Mandalay, we aim to provide consumers with a premium exploration option.”

“Our design division has focused on specific performance advantages once again. The Mandalay brings a significant jump range for a medium-sized vessel. Careful attention has also been placed on improving ship handling in atmospheric environments.”

“We’ve also listened to explorers regarding quality-of-life features. Therefore, the disembark platform is forward-facing, strong landing-mode illumination acts as a beacon during journeys of discovery. Structural support for SCO frame shift drives is also included as standard.”

Early reviews have complimented the design, performance, and aesthetics of Zorgon Peterson’s latest release. It is believed that Faulcon DeLacy management are extremely impressed with the launch event and are optimistic for the vessel’s market performance.

The Mandalay is expected to be available for public purchase soon.

The famous megamarket Jameson Memorial is once again fully operational.

A recent Thargoid incursion into Shinrarta Dezhra caught AX forces by surprise, overwhelming the system and knocking most ports offline. Only Jameson Memorial resisted as large numbers of independent pilots flocked to the defensive campaign.

Florian Baljak, now officially installed as the starport commander for Jameson Memorial, offered this statement:

“I am overwhelmed by the response to the recovery initiative for offline ports. The flow of resources and commodities to this great system reflects the importance that Jameson Memorial holds in the eyes of our pilots.”

The Pilots’ Federation has confirmed the loss of over 1,600 licensed Commanders and Rescue Rangers during the attack. The initial resistance to the Thargoid fleet was upheld by these pilots until reinforcements arrived. Shinrarta Dezhra is the home of the elite pilot organization, with its headquarters situated on Founders World.

Several military sources have mentioned that the Thargoid attack fleet in Shinrarta Dezhra was far larger than a typical system invasion force. The Thargoids suffered considerable losses as the conflict wore on, with confirmed Thargoid Scout kills noted as "particularly high".

All services previously found at Jameson Memorial are now available for pilots with access to the system. The Shinrarta Dezhra temporary access permit granted to pilots will expire on Thursday 3rd October.

The Thargoid invasion fleet that ambushed the Shinrarta Dezhra system last week has been successfully repelled.

Providing an update on behalf of the system was Florian Baljak, acting starport commander of Jameson Memorial:

“The Thargoids swept through Shinrarta Dezhra hard and fast, taking our defences offline before we were able to regroup. It’s a miracle Jameson Memorial lasted until reinforcements could arrive.”

“We lost a lot of good people driving the aliens back. But thanks to the efforts of thousands of Commanders, along with auxiliary support from Sirius Corporation and Azimuth Corporation, we can say victory in this particular battle.”

Work has commenced on bringing all system ports back online as quickly as possible. Requests for assistance in delivering commodities to the system have been submitted.

Head of Aegis, Alba Tesreau, offered her gratitude to those involved in the fighting while Aegis directed AX efforts on the frontline with the two remaining Thargoid Titans.

The initiative will remain open for any remaining bounty voucher hand-ins. Participants will be able to collect their credit rewards from Rescue Ship Cornwallis in the V886 Centauri system once the initiative ends. Module rewards will be distributed automatically in due course.

*Pilots’ Federation Alert*

A Thargoid invasion fleet has emerged in the Shinrarta Dezhra system, catching AX forces behind front lines by surprise.

The massive alien force quickly struck ports in the system. Jameson Memorial remains online but damaged, with local AX forces rallying to protect the famous megamarket. An urgent call for aid by local governors has been made.

Aegis has agreed to remain focused on frontline against the final two Thargoid Titans, while Sirius Corporation establishes supply lines to Shinrarta Dezhra. Azimuth Corporation has offered to provide further incentives for pilots heading to the region. The Corporation’s Megaships, Spirit of Laelaps and Musashi, have moved to a nearby system, V886 Centauri, to lend further support.

The Pilots’ Federation has granted a temporary permit to all Commanders to access the system for two weeks. Early reports indicate that the Pilots’ Federation has taken notably high casualties, with hundreds of Commanders active in the region lost during the initial heavy fighting.

Pilots looking to assist the AX efforts should first sign up to the defence fleet by visiting Rescue Ship Cornwallis in the V886 Centauri system before progressing into Shinrarta Dezhra.

With Jameson Memorial unavailable for regular trade, two other megamarkets remain available: I Sola Prospect in Brestla, and Attilius Orbital in CD-43 11917.

President-elect Felicia Winters has discussed the growing discontent within Federal Congress over her delayed inauguration.

A series of devastating earthquakes struck Winters’s home world of Rhea 3 in February this year. Millions were killed during the unprecedented disaster, including six members of Winter’s family in the destruction of the capital New Greenacre.

Winters took an extended leave of absence to direct relief and recovery efforts on Rhea 3, which included a widespread appeal for resources from the independent pilot community. But recent articles in Sol Today have suggested the goodwill for Winter’s situation may be wearing thin.

Political journalist Ewan Klein recently wrote:

“When Winters first announced the delay to her inauguration, there was obvious resistance from her Republican opponents – though perhaps less so from President Hudson, who has remained in office temporarily. As more details of Rhea’s turmoil came to light, support for Winter’s choice on compassionate grounds increased.”

“Seven months later, however, some in Congress have started to wonder if Winters will ever overcome her grief and accept the presidency.”

Winters has finally released a statement on the matter via the Federal Free Press:

“Nothing can ever repair the hole left in my heart following the tragedy on Rhea 3. That pain is shared with millions of families affected by the catastrophe that befell our home world. We may never truly overcome it, but must resolve to move forward despite it.”

“And during our darkest hours, the outpouring of love and support from across the Federation has been a source of great strength. I was reminded a thousand times over of the charity, selflessness and warmth of Federal citizens. Your patience has been cherished, and it is time that your faith in me as president-elect is rewarded.”

“I plan to step back from personally directing the recovery of Rhea 3 in the near future, leaving the task in the capable hands of Rhea’s emergency aid and relief committee. When the time is right, my inauguration ceremony will proceed and I will humbly accept the role of President of the Federation.”

*Pilots’ Federation Alert*

Aden Tanner, special military advisor to the Aegis project, has warned of the potential for targeted Thargoid assaults on key military locations.

Speaking during a recent graduation ceremony for the latest batch of Federal AX recruits, Tanner warned against complacency following the destruction of Titan Thor last month.

“It may seem that we have the upper hand in this war. There’s no shame in taking pride in our accomplishments, and we’re certainly in a better place than when the Thargoid invasion started.”

“But the Thargoids are just as dangerous as they’ve ever been. Entering a conflict zone with anything less than full focus would be a terrible mistake. Think of how hard you’d fight if you thought the Thargoids were driving our fleets back a little further each day. That’s the situation our enemy finds themselves in.”

“In fact, while our forces push towards the remaining two Titans, Aegis is always watching for counter-attacking efforts behind our front lines. We know the Thargoids can travel via portal technology, allowing them to spring ambushes on our ports beyond any fleet blockades. What we're less clear on is how the aliens assign value to potential targets.”

“Important systems are well protected, but we're playing catch-up when predicting the Thargoids’ next move. When you join our AX forces in combat for the first time, remember: look out for each other, and always expect the unexpected.”

Recent moves by Sirius Corporation have resulted in an uncharacteristic wobble in stock prices, according to Money Matters.

In an exclusive story, economist Roberta Unwin has revealed increasingly aggressive attempts by Li Yong-Rui to initiate a corporate takeover of Achilles Aerospace. Thus far, these attempts have proven unsuccessful.

Unwin went on to say:

“The current darling of the technology world, Achilles is riding a wave of momentum following the release of the SCO Frame Shift Drive. This breakthrough risks dislodging Sirius’s monopoly on FSD technology for the first time in over a decade. According to my sources, Li is increasingly unhappy with the challenge to his dominance of the aerospace industry.”

“I’ve heard phenomenal numbers when detailing Sirius’s multiple offers to purchase Achilles Aerospace and its proprietary SCO designs. Maxine Patro remains unswayed and has kept Achilles’ board members on her side. A company insider described Li’s obsession with Achilles as ‘unhinged’.”

“Sirius Corporation has recently acquired several smaller corporations across the core systems, most of which relate to aerospace and technological research. But a perceived lack of short-term strategy has unnerved some investors, with this week’s 3.9% share price drop costing the megacorp trillions.”

In recent weeks Sirius Corporation has sought to pressure Pranav Antal and the Utopia community into forging stronger links, with Li described as ‘enthusiastic’ about gaining access to Utopia’s advanced technological prototypes. Pranav Antal has warned that Sirius personnel are not welcome in Utopian communes, claiming to distrust Li’s motives.

“Then again,” says Unwin, “It's hard to bet against Sirius Corporation for long. Li Yong-Rui is accustomed to getting what he wants eventually.”

Civil, commercial and political groups within the Alliance and Federation are pledging loyalty to two increasingly high-profile individuals.

Sofia Trevino published a summary for The Federal Times:

“President Zachary Hudson has long been the figurehead for a wide range of Federal communities and corporations. But as he prepares to depart the White House, many of these are transferring their allegiance to the new head of the Republican Party, Vice President Jerome Archer.”

“When Felicia Winters becomes president, Archer will take on the role of shadow president and lead the Republican opposition to the governing Liberal Party. He will effectively inherit Hudson’s political power base, which spreads across the Federation and through many independent systems. Many millions of people, including members of the Pilots’ Federation, will perform tasks and exploit local resources in order to expand Archer’s influence.”

In the Alliance, a similar situation is now being recognised, as discussed by Vanya Driscoll of The Alliance Tribune:

“Councillor Nakato Kaine is the representative for the Tionisla system and has been a vocal presence in the Assembly for several years. She ran against Prime Minister Edmund Mahon in the 3307 elections, gaining many followers despite being ultimately unsuccessful. Kaine has also directly opposed many of Mahon’s policies, particularly the strategic defence pact with Sirius Corporation, on the grounds that the Alliance’s founding principles should not bend to megacorporate influence.”

“This has led Kaine to become a rallying point for those who wish to see Allied systems governed more like the Old Worlds. She is a proponent of electoral reform that would allow the public to directly choose their leaders, rather than the Assembly voting on their behalf. Many local businesses, organisations and political bodies have been attracted by Kaine’s ambitions to transform the Alliance.”

An explosion outside the Federal Republican Party offices on Nanomam 1 has claimed the lives of three government workers.

The blast originated from a small shuttle waiting to collect Shadow President-elect Jerome Archer, who had spent the morning at the building on party business. Archer was reportedly approaching the vehicle at the time of the explosion but was unharmed.

While security services hunted for evidence among the wreckage, a public announcement from Archon Delaine quickly claimed responsibility:

“All the surveillance technology in the galaxy could not prevent the Kumo Crew from reaching Jerome Archer’s personal vehicle. Only by our generosity does he live to learn from this event. He wraps himself in the cloak of the police state, blind to the real danger to people like him: complacency.”

“As the Emperor recently discovered, all the wealth and titles humanity has to offer provide little protection when faced with reality. Their deaths would mean less than the message: even if the Thargoid war is won, there are dangers waiting for you all that have been ignored for too long.”

Media commentators have speculated that this statement also claims responsibility for the attempted ambush of Emperor Arissa’s convoy earlier this month. A short response from an Imperial Senate spokesperson has dismissed such talk, saying that Delaine was ‘nothing more than a self-aggrandising pirate eager for the spotlight.’

This latest incident highlights growing concerns that the core systems face a significant period of post-Thargoid invasion uncertainty. Pressing concerns include a cooled economic climate, widespread population movements and significant military spending by all superpowers.

Titan Thor in the Col 285 Sector IG-O c6-5 system has been reported as destroyed, leaving only two of the eight Thargoid motherships still active.

Aegis has begun a scientific analysis programme to investigate the hulks of all inactive Titans. A spokesperson told the media:

“Xenologists from the Alliance, Empire and Federation are eagerly cooperating to study the Titans’ remains. Military teams are accompanying our research specialists as they seek to improve our understanding of Thargoid biotechnology.”

“We are aware that some independent ships are already scavenging the debris, hoping to locate something of value. Aegis advises extreme caution to all pilots when approaching inactive Titans. The immediate area has been reported to be highly corrosive , and individual Thargoids may have survived deep within their motherships. We cannot discount defence mechanisms still being active, or even attacks from smaller Thargoid vessels.”

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